Tian Ya Ke Week 2022

A Priest fan event.

What is TYK Week?

TYK Week is a prompt week to celebrate Priest's novel Tian Ya Ke (天涯客 Faraway Wanderers) and its characters. Different prompts are assigned to each day of the week, and fans will publish their works based on the prompts throughout the week.

This event is not a prompt week for the drama Shan He Ling (山河令 Word of Honor).

When is it?

Prompt revealFebruary 23
Creation periodFeb 23 - Mar 31
Tian Ya Ke weekApr 1 - 7

Who can participate?

All fans and all types of fan works are welcome!

How can I participate?

What about SHL?

If any of the prompts inspire you to create for SHL, that’s wonderful! However, please note that we will only be promoting TYK fanworks and adding TYK-specific works to the AO3 collection. Our aim is to increase fan engagement and drive fan creation for the novel in particular.

Brought to you by

With artworks by K.
